Reviews and Comments

Barbarius Locked account

Joined 1 year, 5 months ago

Mostly reading sci-fi, fantasy, and comics/graphic novels, but occasionally some other stuff too.

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The Sunbird (Paperback, University of Queensland Press) 5 stars

Nabila Yasmeen is in her eighties. She lives alone with over a hundred plants that …


5 stars

This was a really beautiful read. It's very short, written intentionally to be read in one sitting. It tells the story of an elderly lady presently in Australia 2023, and when she was five and being removed from her village in Palestine in 1948. And the parallels of what has and hasn't changed in 75 years. Very poignant. Almost poetic. Definitely essential reading to help understand our current times.

The Vision (Paperback, 2016, Marvel) 3 stars

The Vision wants to be human, and what's more human than family? So he heads …

Super-Bicentennial Man

3 stars

What happens when Vision, who is immensely powerful, longs for a "regular family" including all the turmoil, unpredictability, and emotional struggles that come with it. Superman meets the Bicentennial Man.

finished reading Luthor by Lee Bermejo

Luthor (GraphicNovel, 2019, DC Comics) No rating

The superstar, critically acclaimed team behind BATMAN: DAMNED and JOKER deliver a bold story in …

What if Lex Luthor is actually a good guy? And his motivations were that knowing that all that stops the end of the human race is staying on the good side of an alien?

Old Man's War (Paperback, 2007, Tor) 4 stars

John Scalzi channels Robert Heinlein (including a wry sense of humor) in a novel about …

A bunch of Scalzi's books are going in a Humble Bundle right now; 21 books for A$30 ( Are they any good?