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Joined 1 year, 2 months ago

aka I'm almost exclusively reading horror fiction, truly the greatest of genres.

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2025 Reading Goal

5% complete! Kat has read 1 of 20 books.

Heart-Shaped Box (2007) 3 stars

Heart-Shaped Box (2007) is the debut horror novel of author Joe Hill. The book was …

Dirty deeds done by dudes

3 stars

Loved the premise and the beginning chapters, but ultimately HSB avoids all possibilities for something insightfully great. Instead, it's all male gaze, breasting boobily and women suffering. Written in 2007 and aged badly. Joe Hill picked the wrong hero.

Maeve Fly (2023, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom, Tor Nightfire) 3 stars

The misanthroppiest place on earth

3 stars

Maeve works as a Disney Princess at Disneyland, haunts dive bars on the Sunset Strip and lives with her Old Hollywood grandmother. She's cultivating her misanthropic side but it's not quite enough, eventually settling on going the full Patrick Bateman.

I like how CJ Leede writes (I'm talking the phrasing and such, not the subject matter) but this book seemed a couple of drafts away from being finished. There is too much that doesn't add up, too many loose ends and late/improbable reveals. And I'm taking into account the cartoony, turned up to 11 storytelling.

A lot about it was fun, although it was too sadistic and mean-spirited for me. Guess I'm not ready for this anti-hero.

Your name is mud

5 stars

It's starting to feel like I'm dishing out five star reviews simply because I'm enjoying reading so much. Well here comes another one I very much enjoyed.

Unquiet is a mysterious, gothic, and almost romantic story of a young woman (Judith) faced with the return of her supposedly dead brother-in-law. He (Sam) can't remember what happened and is compelled to stay hidden; Judith is alarmed at the idea of keeping news of his return from her absent sister as well as the impropriety of having a man in her house while her family is away. You see, it's 1893, a woman can be rooned.

Unquiet mixes together folklore, superstition, visual art, ambiguity and a very strong feeling that something isn't quiet right. I loved how it stayed so tense without too much needing to happen. Very deft.