Deborah Pickett started reading Helliconia Spring by Brian W. Aldiss

Helliconia Spring by Brian W. Aldiss
From the back cover:
Imagine a world in a system of twin stars, where Winter is 600 ice-locked years and …
Technical nonfiction and spec fiction. She/her. Melbourne, Australia. Generation X. Admin of Outside of a Dog. BDFL of Hometown (Mastodon) instance Old Mermaid Town ( Avatar image is of a book that my dog tried to put on their inside.
My rating scale: ★ = I didn't care for it and probably didn't finish it; ★★ = It didn't inspire but I might have finished it anyway; ★★★ = It was fine; ★★★★ = I enjoyed it; ★★★★★ = I couldn't put it down.
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From the back cover:
Imagine a world in a system of twin stars, where Winter is 600 ice-locked years and …
[on the history of “ginger”] • In the early eighteenth century horse dealers discovered that inserting ginger into a horse's backside made him sprightly and hold his tail well. According to Francis Grose's CLASSICAL DICTIONARY OF THE VULGAR TONGUE (1785), the original term was to feague a horse. (Grose adds that, before ginger was thought of, an eel was reputedly used for the same purpose.) Not surprisingly, to feague was eventually replaced by a new coinage, to ginger, which appeared in print in the first quarter of the nineteenth century. This verb, often with the particularly appropriate addition of up, was soon figuratively extended to mean 'to liven up', and in this sense is now a common colloquialism.
— Dictionary of English down the Ages by Linda Flavell, Roger Flavell (Page 69 - 70)
I have so many questions.
@pelagikat Thoughts and prayers.
Lymstock is a town with more than its share of shameful secrets – a town where even a sudden outbreak …
I never got into this story or any of the characters. It’s only technically a Miss Marple story as she has such a small part in it. Written in 1942, it’s very dated now with respect to gender and relationships.
@pelagikat I am certain that I read this, or tried to, years ago, as Lessing was one of Mum’s favourite sf authors. The only thing I remember is that I would never read another Lessing title again. Good luck!
@FrankAuLux How are you enjoying the Hutch books? I read them so long ago, I should read them again.