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Joined 1 year, 2 months ago

aka I'm almost exclusively reading horror fiction, truly the greatest of genres.

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2025 Reading Goal

5% complete! Kat has read 1 of 20 books.

Interview With the Vampire (The Vampire Chronicles) (Paperback, 2004, Ballantine Books) 4 stars

This is the story of Louis, as told in his own words, of his journey …

Haemostly whined about being a vampire

4 stars

So I did enjoy this - it made me happy. Even though it was overly long, kind of boring and whiny. Oh Louis, get over yourself. Like re-reading Pride and Prejudice, or Dracula, in that it's the kind of book that makes me want to tell the characters off. But not as well-written as either. Anne Rice farts around too much, and obviously had her own tortured relationship with good, evil, sin, etc to process via this book. Anyway. It was better than I expected.

The Angel of Indian Lake (Paperback, 2024, Titan Books) 4 stars

Book 3 of the Indian Lake trilogy

Final final girl

4 stars

It's finished! I adored this trilogy, especially the first book because it was such a revelation. I will definitely be re-reading them all not least because there are so many characters and waiting for the next book to come out meant forgetting some.

I find my interest in slasher movies is even greater than it was, now having read these.

Can't wait for whatever SGJ does next.

Bureaucrarboreal surpassment, fur and fuzz it

4 stars

I am trying to tittle each review this year with a book-related pun but I can't think of one for The Snail on the Slope. So instead I've gone with something as baffling as the book itself.

Snail is such a funny book while also being a bit of a slog. It goes off on tangents all over the place and not a whole lot happens. That is the point, though, so don't be put off if you are partial to Soviet satire. I think of it as Kafka with a sense of humour.