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Joined 1 year, 2 months ago

aka I'm almost exclusively reading horror fiction, truly the greatest of genres.

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2025 Reading Goal

5% complete! Kat has read 1 of 20 books.

The Grip of It: A Novel (2017, FSG Originals) 4 stars

House is always haunt

5 stars

This is a very incremental psychological horror about our propensity to absorb and assimilate the not-quite-right in ways that aren't good for us. It's quite brilliantly done as sort of a haunted house story, but also a story about two people and their relationship. I really loved it.

The Reformatory (2023, Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers) 4 stars

Gracetown, Florida - June 1950

Twelve-year-old Robbie Stephens, Jr., is sentenced to six months at …

Inside, it's too tense to read

4 stars

My main worry when I started this book was that it wouldn't do much but cover the well-trodden ground of US race politics. That worry was founded, but at the same time this is such a we'll-executed book it doesn't really matter. It was evident early on what was going to happen, save a few minor plot twists. So it was a bit predictable, but also meant that the book was very tense all the way through - I was terrified of reading the climax. At the time I was going through a difficult period in real life so I avoided reading more than a little bit at a time. The scares in this book aren't supernatural. They're real and they're pretty sadistic too. I know I'm not selling this book but it was good - the characters, even, especially the minor ones, were well-written and the world fully realised.

Horrorstör (Paperback, 2015, Knaur HC) 4 stars

Something strange is happening at the Orsk furniture superstore in Cleveland, Ohio. Every morning, employees …

Splatta packmöbler

4 stars

I was completely taken by the Ikea catalogue parody design of Horrorstör and that counted for a lot. I enjoyed this a lot although once the shit hit the fan it seemed a bit rushed. Grady Hendrix can be very scary but in this case didn't quite make it. The ending however did not cop out. I recommend this if you're looking for something light and fun in between horror reads.