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Joined 1 year, 4 months ago

Currently interested in queer books and obscure comics [he/him]

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The Ghostkeeper (Hardcover, 2024, Penguin Young Readers Group) No rating

Dorian Leith can see ghosts. Not only that, he listens to their problems and tries …

The story had a lot of heart and, on the whole, I liked it a lot. However, even though the main character is literally a therapist for ghosts, I could have done without all the therapy-speak that he or some other characters use, especially outside therapy sessions.

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The Saint of Bright Doors (Hardcover, 2023, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 4 stars

Fetter was raised to kill, honed as a knife to cut down his sainted father. …

Weird, inventive, and pointed commentary at the same time

5 stars

I tore through this book, and might just re-read it immediately, which is something I never do.

It starts out as a fantasy story that feels exceptionally weird because Chandrasekera's willing to do his world building / exposition very slowly. I kept going through a lot of confusion because the writing itself is just so beautiful. And then gradually as the exposition falls into place it becomes clearer that the book is at least partly a critique of religious fanaticisms and chauvinisms... but each time I felt I really had a handle on the book something in its world would shift - either the protagonist learning a new piece of his own story or a significant detail the the author waited until a dramatic moment to show the reader. Even the ending feels like another instance of that, and it is a relatively unclear ending, though it fits the whole …

commented on The Night Guest by Taylor Titmouse

The Night Guest (EBook, 2024) No rating

Ever since the death of her husband, Mrs. Arakawa has run her inn alone. There's …

These last months I have started several books that I still haven't finished even though they're interesting, which depresses me a bit.

  • Option A: self-flagellate and get even more depressed

👉 Option B: read Taylor Titmouse's short smut stories with engaging premises and likeable characters

Woe: a Housecat's Story of Despair : (a Graphic Novel) (2024, Penguin Random House LLC) No rating

WOE! SCREAM! MEOW! ...PURR? Join the hilarious and of course dramatic world of Linney the …

It’s weird to read it again, five years after its content was published on social media. I remember being a HUGE fan of it, and if I had had to do an end-of-year list with my favorite comics from 2019, all the strips that Lucy Knisley posted about her cat Linney would be my #1.

But in 2024 it feels like this kind of voice is now present in a ton of cat videos on social media. Reading the book didn’t make me feel anything, but reading the strips again this morning on Instagram - where they’re still available - instantly brought me back to where I was working in 2019, how a new publication would be the highlight of my day (OF MY WEEK) and how I felt when the last strip was published.

Ace (2020, Beacon Press) 5 stars

An engaging exploration of what it means to be asexual in a world that's obsessed …

5 stars

I've identified as gay for a while, but these last years I realized I was probably closer to aroace, but hadn't found a satisfying confirmation online, so I was excited to read this book. I'm happy to announce that it lives up to its ambitious subtitle (What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex).

Ideas I particularly liked seeing explored or picked apart:

  • How labels are useful to find meaning and shared experiences. (The words are gifts. If you know which terms to search, you know how to find others who might have something to teach. They are, like Lucid said, keys. Intellectual entryways to the ace world and other worlds. Offerings of language for as long as they bring value.)
  • Compulsory sexuality: I LOVE it when authors analyze concepts that don't necessarily imply each other. Yes, you can want intimacy but not …
Queering the Subversive Stitch (2021, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc) No rating

The history of men's needlework has long been considered a taboo subject. This is the …


No rating

I heard about this book via this post on Tumblr and immediately thought that YES, I would like to read more about how men have actually engaged with fiber crafts for a long time, especially since the blurb says:

It reveals that since medieval times men have threaded their own needles, stitched and knitted, woven lace, handmade clothes, as well as other kinds of textiles, and generally delighted in the pleasures and possibilities offered by all sorts of needlework.


The book actually focuses on a period that goes from the Victorian era to the contemporary era, and when I say focus, I really mean FOCUS. The author describes at length the work of several English and American authors and artists, with probably more details that I was ready to read about.

On one hand some passages were really interesting and I appreciated how the author's point of view was …

reviewed Frieren T03 by Kanehito Yamada

Frieren T03 (Paperback, French language, 2022, Ki-Oon) 2 stars

Que deviennent les héros une fois le mal vaincu ?

Stark, guerrier et disciple d'Eisen, …


2 stars

J'ai été attiré par le pitch : "Que deviennent les héros une fois le mal vaincu ?" qui n'est pas banal.

Après lecture des 3 premiers tomes cependant, je le trouve assez mensonger. L'action se déroule en réalité 80 ans après que le mal ait été vaincu et la situation n'a pas l'air très différente des récits de fantasy usuels. Il y a des nouveaux vilains à battre, et comme l'antagoniste de ce volume fait partie des "sept sages du chaos", je suppose que six autres vont lui succéder (puis leurs supérieurs après eux etc.) Il n'y a d'ailleurs ni surprise ni suspense dans la manière dont Frieren bat cette antagoniste, vu que tout nous est expliqué en détail juste avant et qu'elle utilise un gros lieu commun du shônen pour y arriver.

Visuellement, les arrière-plans sont très jolis et détaillés, mais les personnages sont assez lisses et peu expressifs. …

Sobek (Paperback, 2019, ShortBox) No rating

Life is pretty good being a gigantic crocodile god: spend your days lazing on the …

Short and fun. I bought it just before ShortBox closed up, and I loved the contrast between Sobek's towering presence on the cover and, well, his actual personality in the story.

Witching Hour (EBook, 2023, Quindrie Press) No rating

Esio knows all the rules about travelling to the fae realm: stick to the path, …

Why do you tell the reader the rules of the fae realm if you... end up not using them? Who is the main character, Ted or Esio? I feel like none of them were fleshed out enough to know what the story wanted to say.

The fae realm looked magnificent though, it was worth it just for the visuals.

reviewed Find a Seat by Faye Stacey

Find a Seat (EBook, 2023, Quindrie Press) 3 stars

It's hard being dumped. It's even harder when, on the way home from being dumped, …


3 stars

The premise is interesting: the main character finds themself in a train for the "lost and weary" that belongs to Death, and wonders if they want to stay aboard. The train and its passengers are also covered in mushrooms, which creates a unique atmosphere.

However I felt that Death's characterization was a bit inconsistent and the emotional stakes were quickly rendered moot.

Roger Crenshaw: The Wolves of the West (EBook, 2022) 5 stars

Wild beasts and wilder men roam the deserts of Arizona, and folklorist Roger Crenshaw runs …

On one hand, the story has the perfect length, it's long enough to flesh out the characters and the setting before the sex scene at the end.

Having read a lot of mangas, comics etc. before turning to books-without-pictures again, I'm still used to spending between 30 min and 1 hour in a story, and then moving on to something else. With essays and novels, I sometimes still resent the fact that I have to commit to them for hours, which become days and sometimes weeks. Yes they generally have chapters, but it's not the same. So it's nice to find shorter stories that don't feel too short.

On the other hands, ugh. The characters are lovable and I would like to read more about them, but it would defeat the previous point.