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Joined 1 year, 4 months ago

Currently interested in queer books and obscure comics [he/him]

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Wolvendaughter (EBook, 2021, Quindrie Press) No rating

Bent on destruction, the Beast cuts a terrible swathe through towns and countryside, accompanied by …

Like Extinction, it looked magnificent and it made me want to read more stories in this kind of setting. I love the design of the Beast.

I'm not sure I understood everything, but that's part of the appeal I think.

Ace (2020, Beacon Press) 5 stars

An engaging exploration of what it means to be asexual in a world that's obsessed …

Porous borders are intentional. Aces offer up all these terms to whoever might benefit, and one line of thinking is that anyone can identify as ace if they like. The purpose is not to encourage people to behave rigidly as a condition of being accepted, but to embrace complexity and let people identify how they wish and allow their sexualities to change and overlap. The ace world is not an obligation. Nobody needs to identify, nobody is trapped, nobody needs to stay forever and pledge allegiance. The words are gifts. If you know which terms to search, you know how to find others who might have something to teach. They are, like Lucid said, keys. Intellectual entryways to the ace world and other worlds. Offerings of language for as long as they bring value.

Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex by 

Flung Out of Space (Hardcover, 2022, Abrams, Inc.) 5 stars

A fictional and complex portrait of bestselling author Patricia Highsmith caught up in the longing …

What's your wife's name again, Eddie? Because I'd like to murder you, but I want to be sure that she hasn't called dibs first

5 stars

It was amazing?

Admittedly I love sarcastic female leads with devastating one-liners, but I really liked this book. It's a fictional take on an episode in Patricia Highsmith's life, when she was anonymously writing low-grade comics while penning what would become Strangers on a Train, followed The Price of Salt, later renamed Carol.

The muted color palette works really well here: it conveys the grayness of Patricia's life very well, between her boring jobs and the rest of the world telling her she should stop being a lesbian. An occasional pop of orange signals a rare moment of excitement, and I love how Hannah Templer renders shadows in the thriller scenes, or how she mimics old comic books style to illustrate Highsmith's stories.

There's also a little mise en abyme here, that makes us realize just how far we've come since then: the story shows a lesbian …

L’Homme qui aimait les plantes (Hardcover, French language, 2023, Soleil) 2 stars

Les plantes médicinales sont au cour des médecines traditionnelles et conventionnelles depuis deux millénaires. 80 …

L’Homme qui aimait les plantes

2 stars

Evoque divers moments de la vie de Jacques Fleurentin, en effleurant beaucoup d'aspects de son étude des plantes médicinales mais sans les approfondir. La narration n'est pas un modèle de clarté non plus.

The Tao of Pooh (2003) 2 stars

The Tao of Pooh is a book written by Benjamin Hoff. The book is intended …


2 stars

It made me understand some concepts better, like p'u, the uncarved block, but some passages really grated on me, like the one on science and cleverness. I get what the author is saying: it's a criticism of seeking knowledge for the sake of knowledge, of using complicated words as a form of gatekeeping, of focusing on the study of the tree while missing the forest around it etc. But in the era of COVID and climate change, I have very little patience for "what do scientists even know anyway?"

And there are way more nuanced and better written critiques of productivity culture than the chapter about Bisy Backson.

reviewed Paladin's Hope by T. Kingfisher

Paladin's Hope (Hardcover, 2021, Argyll Productions) 4 stars

Piper is a lich-doctor, a physician who works among the dead, determining causes of death …


4 stars

It was as enjoyable as the first two volumes of the Saint of Steel series, but at the same time I had mixed feelings about it.

On one hand, I really like the author's sense of humor, I enjoy following the relationships between characters in their late thirties (i.e. my age), and mixing romance with investigations on gruesome murders works really well apparently? I technically finished Paladin's Hope 10 days ago and haven't started a new fiction book since. I just... don't feel like immersing myself in another one for the moment.

On the other hand, I'm afraid that the series could get a little repetitive at some point. Until now, each of them followed a similar pattern. There are berserker paladins whose god died a few years ago, they feel broken, not worthy of love and/or dangerous for the people around them that are not fellow paladins. Until they …

Paladin's Grace (Hardcover, 2020, T Kingfisher) 4 stars

Stephen's god died on the longest day of the year…

Three years later, Stephen is …


4 stars

It was fun! And so satisfying to realize how a lot of subtle setups paid off near the end.

I love a romance where you get to see both characters' point of view, and even more if they're in their thirties, because they have a different approach to relationships than teenagers (also, I'm the same age as Stephen). The book was maybe a little heavy on the self-deprecating inner monologues, but this is me quibbling.

Onto Paladin's Strength now!

Prayer for the Crown-Shy (2022, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 5 stars

After touring the rural areas of Panga, Sibling Dex (a Tea Monk of some renown) …


5 stars

At first I was low-key disappointed: Mosscap's candid questions slightly annoyed me, and I was dreading the answer. The moment where the story would answer its central question: when all your basic needs are met, what else do you need?

In other stories about the meaning of life (or adjacent themes), I could always relate to the part with the questions, and end up disappointed by the answer that the characters find, because the answer specifically works for them, and not for me. It's probably impossible to answer this kind of question in a way that will satisfy every reader, so why even try in the first place?

And... well, I like the direction that the book took, especially in its last chapter. It made me think of How to do nothing, except that Jenny Odell explains you what Becky Chambers makes you experience.

Also, I just …

Finding Home Vol. 4: The Prince (EBook) 4 stars

Finding Home is a multi-award-winning slow burn LGBTQ comic that explores mental health, nature, magic, …

Marigold: Joy

4 stars

It wasn't perfect, but it did its own thing and it did it well.

I think the "slow burn" label was a bit generous for the first 2 volumes (the pattern: Chepi remembers a traumatizing part of his past, Janek does something wholesome, Chepi is charmed, go back to step 1). It didn't stop me from reading the rest, but I call it "treading waters".

I went from liking it to loving it with volume 3 and 4, though. Chepi and Janek's relationship evolved, and I think the supporting cast brought an additional dimension to the story, allowing more varied interactions between the two protagonists and revealing other aspects of their history or personality.

The Organic No-Till Farming Revolution (Paperback, 2019, New Society Publishers) 3 stars

Learn how to use natural no-till systems to increase profitability, efficiency, carbon sequestration, and soil …

Aimed at professionals

3 stars

What I like about this book is its practical approach: it is clearly aimed at professional farmers, and the author is not saying "do this because it's ✨ good for the planet ✨" but "with these techniques, you will save energy while continuing to earn a living; by the way, let's meet professionals who have been doing this for years/decades now".

I learned several things:

  • Using cover crops requires careful timing: if you cut them before they bloom, they may regrow, and if you cut them after they bloom, you basically reseed them. The book also recommends using them before transplanting crops with large leaves (such as squash) because cutting cover crops prevents weed regrowth for about 6 weeks only (but much longer if a layer of mulch is put on top).
  • For transplanting plants, cardboard is very good (this fall, I'm going to advocate for cardboard SO MUCH in …