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Many futures, some excellent

4 stars

I love the premise of this book, and like any multi author collection the quality of the content is all over the place. Many great stories, some that don't quite work.

I started it excited about having an alternate history collection that wasn't going to be about "what if the Nazis won". It actually doesn't quite meet that bar, though at least there are only a couple of stories that plumb that particular horror, and the more original of the two is perhaps the highlight of the book: a psychological study of the oppressor that I was mentally chewing over for a long time. Meanwhile, the story that mashes up Scottish and Jewish history was an unexpected delight - it started out looking like the whole concept was just going to be a few puns ("Moshe Ben Nevis"; "The Hebraides") but fleshed that out into a genuinely interesting fantasy.

The …

Ministry for the Future (2020, Orbit) 3 stars

Established in 2025, the purpose of the new organization was simple: To advocate for the …

Gets a lot right, but with some painful blind spots

3 stars

Content warning Spoilers for the whole book; references to disturbing content

Infomocracy (The Centenal Cycle, #1) (2016) 3 stars

It's been twenty years and two election cycles since "Information," a powerful search engine monopoly, …

Brilliant at times, but didn't stick the landing

3 stars

Content warning vague general spoilers

What Moves the Dead (Hardcover, 2022, Tor Nightfire) 4 stars

From T. Kingfisher, the award-winning author of The Twisted Ones, comes What Moves the Dead, …

Puts the right flesh on the bones of Poe's story

5 stars

Content warning mild spoilers for the whole book

The Fall of the House of Usher (Paperback, 2001, Pearson ESL) 3 stars

Not my favourite of Poe's stories

3 stars

[this review is about the title story only] I was surprised by how short this story was. The way I hear it talked about kind of gives it the status of a novel in my mind, and it's really just a sketch, almost a single scene. Which is a format Poe absolutely excelled at--I think his best stories are so effective precisely because they're so tightly focussed and written--but somehow this one felt too skeletal to me. Which makes it a perfect choice for Ursula Vernon to have built around, but not a story I found very satisfying in its original form.

Right Ho, Jeeves (2011, W. W. Norton) 4 stars

Right Ho, Jeeves is the second novel to feature P. G. Wodehouse’s popular Bertie Wooster …

Beautiful comic writing makes up for a predictable story

4 stars

It's not Wodehouse's fault that the Jeeves books have become such a cliche since he wrote them that they feel hackneyed now. But I do feel that the premise isn't quite enough to sustain a full length novel. However, the writing is just so well done and timed that it kept me enjoying the book. Every time I started to get too tired of the upper class twits, their inability to just talk to each other, and the pettiness of their gripes, I would reach a passage so perfectly written that it would draw me back in.

I think in future I'll stick to the short stories, but there is a lot that's really delightful in here.

Jade War (Hardcover, 2019, Orbit) 5 stars

a broader story, a chance for some half-drawn characters from book 1 to be fully realised

5 stars

Content warning spoilers all over

Under The Net (Paperback, 2003, Book Club Associates) 5 stars

Iris Murdoch's first novel.Iris Murdoch's first novel is a gem - solid and sparkling. Set …

A fun caper that ultimately felt a bit aimless

5 stars

Content warning ending spoiler

The Empress of Salt and Fortune (EBook, 2020, Tom Doherty Associates) 3 stars

With the heart of an Atwood tale and the visuals of a classic Asian period …

Engaging idea that didn't quite work for me

3 stars

I love the basic premise of this book: telling a story about a tough, resourceful woman through the framing of an archivist going through objects in her house and getting context for them as flashbacks. It's beautifully written, and the Empress is a compelling character. But somehow the world didn't manage to draw me in. I'm honestly not sure if that's any fault of the book, or just that I'm a bit saturated with new fictional worlds having read a lot of fantasy this year.