Wie man eine Pipeline in die Luft jagt

Kämpfen lernen in einer Welt in Flammen

German language

Published by Matthes & Seitz Berlin.


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4 stars (7 reviews)

2 editions

Interessante Gedanken, guter Überblick

4 stars

Für mich eine spannende Zusammenfassung von Gedanken über Protestbewegungen im Allgemeinen und die Klimabewegung im speziellen. Gute und interessante Referenzen und Beispiele, an welchen der Autor darüber sinniert wie weit gewaltfreier Widerstand gehen kann, und wo seine Möglichkeiten aufhören. Das Buch gibt keine definitiven Antworten, stellt aber interessante Fragen, die mich sehr wahrscheinlich noch einige Zeit lang beschäftigen werden

a book with all the right pieces and some very weird conclusions

2 stars

for a book i should ostensibly agree with on all points i found this deeply dull and fairly insipid. it goes to great lengths to categorize property damage as violence, dedicating only a few paragraphs around page 100 to the "ridiculous" idea that inanimate property maybe can't be subject to violence in the same way that living things can. it then uses this framework of property damage as violence to argue for the necessity of violence in protest, but jumps through incredible hoops to advocate for some sort of violence scale, from damaging luxury vehicles on one side to murder on the other, and is vehement that although the climate movement needs violence to achieve results (it argues against pacifism for almost half the book, albeit it itself is more pacifist than it knows), this can only mean - to malm- damage to fossil fuel infrastructure and luxury goods. it …

Excellent at What It Does

4 stars

Firstly, this book is really good at what it sets out to do, mainly explain when and why property destruction can be adopted as a tactic for environmental preservation, and avoiding climate despair. For the most part, I agree with other criticisms of it listed here, namely that the title is misleading as it gives no instructions on practically how to blow up a pipeline, and does neglect care work and support infrastructure in doing revolution. However, I don't think that these are massive strikes against it, as it's not trying to be the What is to be Done of the 21st century. It's merely trying to advocate that property destruction is a legitimate tactic at this point in the climate crisis, and I think it does that well. While it is certainly preferable to abolish the state rather than pressure it into passing anemic climate legislation, these tactics, as …

rethinking malm

2 stars

i've read the book two months ago - initially i've been pretty convinced by it (with the exception of apporving eco-leninism) esp because i think he's generally right with the case of property destruction. however, as somebody already pointed out, he does not give any information on how to do that. additionally, while he aims to critizise overly moralistc arguments for liberal peacefulness, he's pretty moralistic himself. prperty destruction alone won't make a revolution. he also never acknowledges that the climate movement in europe already faces state repression, and in other parts of the world even more so. he doesn't ever speak of the nessecity of support systems and care structres. his focus on property destruction alone, while ignoring everything else, stinks of having patriachal hero figures in movements which undervalue care work even more (bc you know, that's liberal pacifism /sarcasm). there should be an realistic approach to property …

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