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Joined 1 year, 3 months ago

Software engineer from #Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Opinions are my own, not those of my spouse, employer, child, or pets. In fact there are few areas in which we agree.

Interested in #FOSS and #Linux, as well as federated social nonsense like the #Fediverse and #XMPP and #Matrix

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ssweeny's books

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Very rough early but there are rewards toward the end if you stick with it.

3 stars

This one was honestly tough to get through. I almost put it down several times. It felt like a tour of cyberpunk tropes as there are several factions (corporations/police, anarchists, drug lords) each trying to control a dirty and dying LA, and the main character just sort of stumbles into each one seemingly without agency and without any real stakes. About 2/3 of the way through, however, my perseverance was rewarded as some actual stakes seemed to coalesce for him, and he began to take control of his story to push through to the end.

Miss Felicity Beedle's The world of poo (2015) 4 stars

Staying with his grandmother in Ankh-Morpork, Geoffrey collects specimens for the world's first museum of …

A very silly book about a boy who collects poo.

4 stars

A short story set in the Discworld universe about a boy who goes to visit his grandmother in Ankh-Morpork. He gets pooed on by a bird, and after being told it's good luck he embarks on a quest to collect every kind of poo there is.