Reviews and Comments

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Joined 7 months, 4 weeks ago

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Dawn (2016, Haikasoru) 5 stars

“The Golden Brat” Reinhard von Lohengramm, a military prodigy and admiral of the Galactic Empire, …

Which is better? A competent dictatorship, or a corrupt democracy?

5 stars

The characters' introspection is timely and realistic, and the exposition circumstantially relevant and world-building, yet digresses into facets of governance and military strategy as interesting as its context.

Review of 'Classroom of the Elite Vol. 1 )' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Each 3rd of this text must be reviewed independently because of the severe inexperience of the author, yet ultimately cohesively, because every line is necessary to comprehend the personalities of our protagonists: the 1st 3rd of the text actually adequately interested me. Its exposition about the struggle for equality by humanity despite the inherent well-known impossibility of such was unique introduction.

Additionally, we are perfectly informed of what the personalities of our protagonists (before it is coincidentally stated). However, the 2nd 3rd, although more of a 4th, is unacceptably bording and infantile. The author even demonstrates this with the text that commences a chapter within this section – “Thank you for your continued patience, reader.”

You may well consequently believe that my ignorance causes me to assume that this section is unnecessary, but it is. I do not want to read about adolescent boys' erections unless necessary. However, the 3rd …