raveller reviewed Special Topics in Being a Human by S. Bear Bergman
Beautiful and something I'd want to keep close
5 stars
We all have the public, achievement, visible side of our lives. And then the parts of our life that may or may not be visible, but that's how we are really doing. That's what we really want to talk about. That's where the heartbreak is. This book is a guide to the heartbreak parts, to how we are really doing. Not a self-help book about how to get through school or your first job, but about how to get through the heartbreak and feelings of rejection or the true friendships or how to take steps toward what makes your heart soar. It's like the essential oil of advice columnists, the part where they reflect back to you what your real concerns and priorities are.
I want to gift this book as a sweet 16 present, a graduation present, a 40th birthday present, to just about everyone as well as myself. It's one of those books where you don't really read it, you work through a page and then let that page ferment in your mind for a month.
It helps with some of the trickiest things. How to know when your instincts are telling you no versus when your conditioning or that critical voice in your head is undermining your dreams. How to thrive where there is no time, no money, no rest. How to apologize. How to argue. How to receive a compliment or criticism. Not just "you should accept compliments" but how to actually do these things, step by step, with illustrations and bullet points. Like "how to be a better human for dummies." Without universalizing, without skirting over the our entanglement in imperialist white supremacist heteropatriarchy.
I need my own copy to refer to and another to cut out and make posters for my wall.