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Aestus: Book 2: The Colony 5 stars

An underground city. A deadly project. And an Intelligence agent who can help Jossey take …

Continues from Book 1 and just as good

5 stars

I loved these two books. I've not got a huge amount to add to my review of Book 1. But a few additional thoughts.

Firstly: this really feels a lot like a single book. More so than almost any previous pair of books I can think. This is certainly best thought of as one story: I'd advise against reading Book 2 without having read Book 1 first, nor stopping at the end of Book 1 (though I doubt one would be able to do that).

In terms of comments on the quality of writing or storytelling, there's probably not much more I can say than I already did about Book 1: it's excellent, incredibly enjoyable, very human-focused, life-like - just like the first book.

But the ending is great too - really wraps up the story well, get a strong sense that the author cares about her characters. I find …

Aestus, Book 1 (Paperback, 2020, S.Z. Attwell) 5 stars

An underground city, built centuries ago to ride out the devastating heat. A society under …


5 stars

I just finished reading Aestus Book 1: The City. It was incredible. Totally blew me away - could hardly put it down, struggled to sleep thinking about it, so good. I rarely describe anything as 'awesome' - it's often used in quite a hyperbolic way; but, in this case, I am in awe.

There's so much I want to write about this book, so many thoughts running through my head the last few days, but I don't want to spoil the experience for anybody by giving away any details.

The first thing that struck me is how well written the characters are. This author has a real talent for writing genuine, believable characters. I feel sure many of them must be real people she knows - all the little moments that she captures just bring them to life so vividly. Just get such a sense of familiarity from them. It's …

The Colour of Magic (Hardcover, 1989, Colin Smythe) 4 stars

Terry Pratchett's profoundly irreverent novels are consistent number one bestsellers in England, where they have …

Torn between 3 and 4 stars

3 stars

Enjoyed it - a fun read!

Discworld and Sir Terry were a big part of my life growing up, he had a large impact on who I became.

I'm not sure for newcomers to his writing I'd fully recommend The Colour of Magic - I believe Sir Terry himself said to start from book three (Sourcery) - but this is an interesting historical artefact.

I plan to read through the entire Discworld series in the coming months (and years, I guess - I don't plan to only read Discworld non-stop), so starting from the very beginning to experience how Sir Terry's style developed was a key choice for me.

I did enjoy it a lot though! Torn between 3 and 4 stars. It's good! But I feel like 4 stars requires a level of excellence not quite attained here - it does feel a little disjointed at times, and some …