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Joined 1 year, 3 months ago

Recovering academic based in Scotland. Enjoys crime fiction, period classics and adventure.

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The life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. By Charles Dickens ... with illustrations. (Paperback, 2005, Scholarly Publishing Office, University of Michigan Library) 4 stars

Nicholas Nickleby is left responsible for his mother and sister when his father dies. The …

worth the invested time

4 stars

This felt an enormous read. At times could do with tighter editing, but I think that's a product of the original serial format.

The book follows the titular character, his family and friends through good and bad.

Treasure at Amorys (1971, Collins) 4 stars

a good, slow-boil adventure

4 stars

Some dated depictions of gender roles, although a useful talking point for how these have changed. "Fat/plump" was used as an adjective too much. I was confused about the romantic relationship between cousins, I only hope they were distant cousins!

That's the bad stuff out the way. As a whole, the book is a lovely view into the 1950. Plenty of sweeping landscape descriptions, which help transport the reader. The adventure and threat is low level, with much of the time spent on the children working as a team on chores or tasks. My 8 year old loved it.