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Joined 11 months ago

The few books that reads. Mostly about #bread #science #anarchism

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Unmasking Autism (Hardcover, 2022, Harmony Books) 5 stars

A deep dive into the spectrum of Autistic experience and the phenomenon of masked Autism, …

Autism Terminology / Common Dos and Don’ts

Use: Autistic person, Autist, Autistic, On the Autism spectrum Avoid: Person with Autism

Use: Is Autistic Avoid: Identifies as having autism

Use: Is disabled, Has a disability Avoid: “Special needs”, “Differently abled”, “Handi-capable”

Use: Neurotypical (NT), Allistic, Non-Autistic Avoid: Normal

Use: Has high support needs, Has low support needs Avoid: Low functioning, High functioning

Use: Masked Autism Avoid: Female Autism, Asperger’s, High-functioning Autism

Use: Nonverbal, Loses speech Avoid: Mute, Dumb

Use: Intellectually disabled, Developmentally disabled Avoid: R*tarded, Stupid, “Special”

Use: Direct language about what a person can or can’t do, and what kind of support they need Avoid: Euphemisms, language that minimizes challenges, language that belittles or condescends

Unmasking Autism by 

I wasn't aware of the negative connotation of "mute", and I even used it for myself a couple of times (when "non-verbal" would probably have been a better word choice)

Nice introductory book on bread science and baking

4 stars

The book starts with an introduction to the chemical reactions in bread baking on the molecular level (chapters 1 & 2). The book also outlines the history of bread science, e.g. how models of the gluten structure have developed, and which studies and experiments contributed to the progress.

The second half of the book dedicates a chapter for each step of baking: pre-fermentation, mixing (kneading), fermentation, shaping, proofing, and baking. The chapters explain what (roughly) happens during these steps and makes references back to the first half of the book. Thus, the book explains not only how to bake, but also why to do certain things.

I think I -- a beginner at baking -- learned a lot from this book. As an introduction to the science of bread making (and to baking in general), it is really accessible and sometimes even a bit funny (e.g. due to some hand-drawn …