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reading mostly non-fictional books to learn new stuff. But occasionally I'm reading Sci-Fi and History.

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reviewed Mustafa Kemal Atatürk by Halil Gülbeyaz

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (Hardcover, 2003, Parthas) 5 stars

Detailed and engaging biography about Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

5 stars

While this is a biography and thus rather dense with dates of events and names etc. I found it still very interesting to read. Halil managed to really tell the story of Mustafa Kemal. Carefully collecting sources and trying to carefully tell the tales of the mythos from evidence. He provides references to all the material and also context into other historic events and figures of the time. Really interesting to read the implications of the colonial powers and the demise of the ottoman empire in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The book helps connecting the dots of my rather sparse knowledge of recent european history.

No Rules Rules (2020, Penguin Publishing Group) 4 stars

No Rules rule - under certain circumstances

4 stars

In my experience the book doesn’t over big revelations. You could summarize the content as: Hire smart people and let them do their job. The rest ist justifying this thesis with anecdotal evidence and some cross references to other books and other companies in the area.

Nevertheless I liked reading the book and also hearing many stories about a company like Netflix is dealing with certain things.

I would have loved if the authors elaborated more how they identify the top talents they are referring to so often. How they judge, whether their talents fail to delivery because they are not as awesome as hoped they are, or whether they are just a victim of bad circumstances?

The Phoenix Project (EBook, 2018, IT Revolutions) 5 stars

Five years after this sleeper hit took on the world of IT and flipped it …

An IT tale that everyone in the industry can relate to

5 stars

Reading this book felt like a dejavu. So many situations the authors describe have happened almost exactly as they describe them. We've made the same mistakes and hopefully have learned from them. It's very well written and relatable. Especially people who've not have worked for 20 years in the industry might find this an interesting read to possibly understand certain situations and avoid some of the mistakes we all use to make along our way.