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Joined 1 year, 2 months ago

Hello, I'm kebabslob. A leftist who likes to read! I mostly like sci-fi or something that makes me think. I also have been reading books about my sexuality, as I have found myself to be a "demisexual".

Some of my recent favorites have been: "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?", "The Cybernetic Tea Cafe", some of those old R.A. Salvatore books about Drizzt, another book I really liked that was about a magicians apprentice where he meets a woman when he's at a young age, then gets trained to be a mage, and travels to a different world, and becomes cool there and meets his wife and then grows up n stuff and then comes back to the other world and meets that older love interest and its like "eh"... But I can't remember that book's name sadly!


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The Cybernetic Tea Shop (EBook) 5 stars

Clara Gutierrez is a highly-skilled technician specializing in the popular 'Raise' AI companions. Her childhood …

Simple but with heart

5 stars

This book is simple and not very long, but has a lot of heart. I feel like it came in, said what it needed to say, told a good, asexual love story (!!!) and left. It was very pleasant and nice to read, while giving the reader something to reflect on and not leaving the reader believing there is too much filler or anything extra.