Reviews and Comments

Ian Brown

Joined 10 months, 2 weeks ago

XML apologist. Erlang enthusiast. Currently JVMs & Performance stuff at Netflix. Previously JVMs & performative stuff at Twitter. He/him.

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The Terraformers (Hardcover, 2023, Tor Books) 3 stars

From science fiction visionary Annalee Newitz comes The Terraformers, a sweeping, uplifting, and illuminating exploration …'s epic tale of #enshittification on a geologic time scale.

4 stars

A really wonderful take on colonization and identity. Fast paced and full of some truly original takes on technology and the balances (and imbalances) of power resulting from the dynamics of capitalism in a seemingly post-scarcity era.

Who owns the land? What is intelligence and what rights (if any) does intelligence deserve? What if naked mole rats could talk and what if Miyazaki's catbus was part of an anarchist collective that lived under an active volcano?

These and many other questions are wrestled with in the this light and heavy sci-fi gem.

Shift (Paperback, 2016, John Joseph Adams/Mariner Books) 4 stars

Shift happens.

4 stars

Content warning Mild ones, really, but maybe read the book first.

The Kaiju Preservation Society (Paperback, 2023, Tor Books) 5 stars

I needed that!

5 stars

Holy smokes! This was such a fun read by Funny as hell, and with barely any tears. Maybe even no tears if you are a desiccated and empty shell like so many of us these days. Anyway, this book is brain-floss perfection, full of laughs and wit. The auther, per the note at the end, wrote this in 2021 after COVID and January 6th and writer's block and at least one existential crisis. Coincidentally I read this book after a week of the family and I, hundreds of miles from home and alledgedly on vacation, dealing with our second trip through COVID. I'd also just ripped through the first two books of Hugh Howey's "Silo" series ("Wool" & "Shift") while in the grips of the virus. Those are pretty heavy reads, and a mild fever only added to the emotional weight. This book was the perfect antidote to …

Wool (2020, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company) 5 stars

Wool? More like w00t! amirite?

5 stars

Man, what a trip.

No spoilers, but in the Sci-Fi spectrum of humanity coming together in the face of apocalypse or everyone fro themselves (with Rebecca Solnit's "A Paradise Built in Hell" on one end, and parts of Atwood's "Oryx and Crake" or the edges of John Wyndham's works) "Wool" is decidedly on the sharp stick-end end of that scale.

Anyway, wonderfully paced, and great world-building. Excited for the next books in the trilogy!

Trouble with Lichen (2022, Random House Publishing Group) 3 stars

A strong open, and a big idea, is undone by a weak ending.

3 stars

A strong open, and a big idea, is undone by a weak ending.

As usual, Wyndham takes a simple premise and peels it apart to tease out contradictions and consquences invisible from the surface. Buried within the prose are occasional aphorisms that apply nicely to our current predicaments. But, by far, the most striking aspect of this book, published in 1960, is how it reflects (and supports) that era's nascent feminist wave. Worth a read, even though it waters out in the last act.

Lovecraft Country (2016, Harper Perennial) 4 stars

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu Chicago wgah’nagl fhtagn.

3 stars

Fascinating concept, and a narrative that leverages the rot and evil of America, and the racist AF legacy of H.P. Lovecraft to create a more...realistic universe. The writing was a little weak, though the narrative arc was well-sustained through a number of stories. A fun, quick read and ultimately worth it. Beats watching it on TV I suspect.

The Kraken Wakes (2022, Random House Publishing Group, Modern Library) 5 stars

It started with fireballs raining down from the sky and crashing into the oceans' deeps. …

C'est toujours l'écroulement.

5 stars

Content warning Mild spoiler alert. Read the book first. It is a good one.

The Day of the Triffids (Paperback, 2022, Modern Library) 4 stars

When Bill Masen wakes up blindfolded in hospital there is a bitter irony in his …

51 Years Earlier...

4 stars

Content warning Spoiler alert.

reviewed Translation State by Ann Leckie

Translation State (2023) 5 stars

Qven was created to be a Presger translator. The pride of their Clade, they always …

Another wonderful entry in the Radch++ universe.

5 stars

Leckie continues to build worlds and cultures that turn a lens back onto contemporary struggles around identity and sovereignty. It is helpful, but not necessary, to have read her other Radch books as they do build on some earlier stories and a few characters turn up again. There is also a deeper dive into the Presgers (or at least the Presger Translators), but the author does a great job keeping terrible mysteries mysterious.

Finally, a slight spoiler, in this installment Leckie fixes the greatest flaw in her universe: the lack of coffee. I applaud her courage in bringing this beverage into a heretofore tea-centric narrative.

The Pigeon Tunnel (Paperback, 2017, Penguin Books) 4 stars

A Memoir of Quality

4 stars

A fascinating look at the life of John Le Carré (né David Cornwell) as the author weaves the (mostly) true history of his life as a writer with the fictional characters inspired by his real life encounters and acquaintances. Looming throughout, and dealt with directly in the defining chapter of the book, is the spectre of Ronnie, Cornwell/Le Carré's grifter of a father. Another weighty thread linking a number of these brief sketches together is the presence of Kim Philby. These two outsized deceivers are wonderfully linked in Le Carré's "A Perfect Spy" which feels even deeper and personal having seen glimpses of the rage and anger the author felt towards these two men. The short anecdotes that make up most of the book's chapters are riddled with surprising (and often dismaying) characters from the Cold War era as well as the chaotic muddle of Eastern Europe following the fall …