Reviews and Comments


Joined 9 months, 1 week ago

Hi 👋 I am Eszter. I am a designer who loves reading and learning languages 🌎 I read books across different genres—from books regarding my profession to books for pure enjoyment, such as fiction and manga 📚. I read books in German, English, French, and Japanese. Sometimes I write long reviews, sometimes none. It depends on my mood and the book ☀️

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Inspired (Hardcover, 2017, Wiley) 5 stars

Why do some products make the leap to greatness while others don’t?

Creating inspiring products …

A must-read for Product people

5 stars

This is a very good book on the structure and processes of a Product organization that incorporated Agile not only on a delivery level but on an overall organizational level. My personal highlight was the section about roadmaps and why (not) to use them and rather focusing on outcome. I also appreciate that in contrary to many other books on the topic, it also has a few chapters on transformational topics to create a switch.

Getting Things Done (2015) 3 stars

Getting Things Done (GTD) is a personal productivity system developed by David Allen and published …

Interesting method but bloated

3 stars

The methodology is simple yet effective. However, the book feels unnecessary bloated and repeats itself multiple times. If you look up a blogpost on the GTD method, you will get the same information and value just like reading the book.

ロジカとラッカセイ #1 (GraphicNovel, Japanese language) 5 stars

「人類が滅んだとしても、ひとりぼっちじゃないよ」 遠き惑星で生きるふたりの、すこしふしぎな日常ものがたり開幕!!

とある惑星で暮らす、ロジカとラッカ。 彼らは、暇つぶしに穴を掘って“謎の円盤"を手に入れたり、 森で“秘密のダンジョン"を見つけたり、 毎日楽しく過ごしている。 その惑星には、まだまだふたりが知らないことが沢山あって……。

Very engaging read

5 stars

The book is very charming. It is about a girl who lives on a foreign planet and discovers it together with her friend. Together, they meet many interesting creatures. It is full of comedy and I had many good laughs.

北欧女子オーサ日本を学ぶ (GraphicNovel, Japanese language, Kadokawa) 5 stars


日本のアニメと漫画に感動し、北欧スウェーデンからやってきたスウェーデン人漫画家オーサ。日本に来て9年目だけど、不思議に思う習慣はまだまだたくさん。 本書では日本での食事、日本語、おつきあい、お金の使い方について、各専門の先生に作法や成り立ちを学びます。

日本でキャラ弁はどうして生まれたの?「ちゃん」「くん」「さん」「さま」の由来は?建前と本音の見分け方は?なぜ日本人は現金をそんなに大切に扱うの? などなど、私たち日本人も知らなかった日本独自の文化についてどんどん掘り下げていきます。


A good book for learning Japanese manners

5 stars

In her book, Åsa Ekström, a Swedish Mangaka who relocated to Japan, shares her experiences learning about Japanese customs and etiquette from different teachers. Covering a range of topics, from chopstick etiquette to monetary gifting, this manga is an enjoyable and accessible read for learners of Japanese, thanks to the inclusion of Furigana throughout the panels. The author's own humorous anecdotes and revelations about certain lesser-known aspects of Japanese culture make for a lighthearted yet insightful read for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of proper behavior in Japan.