Reviews and Comments

Anthony Burgess

Joined 1 year, 4 months ago

Reading books from all kinds of genres. ( is my social account.

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Dust (Paperback, 2013, Century) 4 stars

I guess it was okay

4 stars

The ending itself was a bit underwhelming. The whole book felt like it's just writing out everything that you probably already guessed was going on in this world. It's still a 4/5 because the whole series and this book wasn't bad, I just expected much more of it, especially because of the hype around it.

Speaking of the series, I don't get why people love it so much. It's just another sci-fi series. The characters weren't outstanding, the story and world-building is okay-ish. It was a fun read, don't get me wrong, but it's not very rememberable. I feel like I could have skipped half the book and it wouldn't even have made any difference.

I would not recommend this book, not because it's bad, but because it's not special or exciting in a way that it stands out from other sci-fi books.

Shift (Paperback, 2016, John Joseph Adams/Mariner Books) 4 stars

Don't know why people like this so much

3 stars

Don't get me wrong, world building is good and Hugh Howey does a good job doing just that, but I didn't get hooked at all. I was looking forward to finishing it. I personally know people that loved it and were happy to start with the next book as soon as they finished this, but that wasn't me.

The story is just dragging along, nothing that exciting going on, the plot is also relatively unsurprising. I started this book and it read like I'm just going through the motions. It's probably just not my jam, but I have to admit, it's well written in a way. I can see what people might enjoy about it.

I am not able to really recommend it, but I can also not recommend against it. I guess my opinion on this is just not interesting.

Essentialism (Hardcover, 2014, Crown Business) 4 stars

Essentialism isn't about getting more done in less time. It's about getting only the right …

Not sure what to think of it

4 stars

This one felt a lot like a business self-help book, which it is, but also felt like it had a lot of truth to it. Like a true business self-help book though, it contains a lot of "look at this CEO, using our ideas and being successful"-type of paragraphs. I'm never convinced about how true those testimonials can be. You can't just break it down to a few managing techniques and that's it, now your company is successful.

The writing was rather good in most parts, can't deny that. The comparison of sentences describing nonessentialists and essentialists was a bit on the nose, they always rubbed me the wrong way. I get the idea, you don't have to dumb it down even more. Other than that, it's just the idea of minimalism + don't spread out too much, broken down a bit too granular. It's the thoughts that automatically come …

Momo (German language, 1999) 5 stars

Eine gespenstische Gesellschaft "grauer Herren" ist am Werk und veranlasst immer mehr Menschen, Zeit zu …

Now what you would expect from a childrens book

5 stars

I started reading this, because I already heard about it being as interesting for adults as it is for children. Now I think this book is much more written for adults anyway and I wonder how children interpret the story.

I don't think I even have to sell it much, it's not that long and it goes through the topic of being thoughtful with how you are using your time in life, but in a different way than you might expect.

Would recommend, it's a short but surprisingly deep book.

The Time Traveler's Wife By Audrey Niffenegger (2004) 4 stars

Surprisingly good story that's not too corny

4 stars

Starting this book, I was worried, that it's gonna be one of those heavy romance novels but I'm glad I stuck around. It sure is romance, no doubt about it, but the story was good enough to keep me interested until the end. I try to not spoil anything here, as always.

The mechanics of the time travel are well done. It left some questions open, but not enough to pull me out of the story. I especially like the way she goes about time paradoxes. It's a bit of an easy way to deal with it, but at least it's done consistently. Maybe that's just me, but I dislike books that try to come up with some complicated approach to some known fiction theme and end up creating obvious plot holes that distract me from the story itself. It could also be, that the story did a better job …

Wool Omnibus (2012, Broad Reach Publishing) 5 stars

This Omnibus Edition collects the five Wool books into a single volume. It is for …

A solid story

4 stars

A surprisingly good story, so I'm gonna read the rest of the trilogy. It's worthwhile, the story seems to mostly make sense, the characters are believable, the descriptions make it feel somewhat natural and it has some surprises while not relying too much on those. I'm pleased by how the story is built and progression through the chapters is also influencing the way it is told.

Just an all-around solid book, would recommend it, even just the first book alone. I'm looking forward to what is coming in the next two books, hopefully it's not doing a Metro 2034 on me.

The Circle 2 stars

When Mae Holland is hired to work for the Circle, the world's most powerful internet …

Don't read it, it's probably worse than the movie

1 star

Just save your time, skip this one, it's baaaad.

The protagonist is so extremely naive, the plot points are only surprising in the way that they always go down the route that's so stupid you wouldn't believe the author actually goes there.

The only redeeming quality is the topic. There is so much potential for a fantastic story, but it's just mind boggling how you could screw it up this bad. The personalities of the characters are bland, the technologies are often outright impossible just to allow certain things to be possible, the story is unbelievable as where the plot points go, the dialogs are weird, the way he portrays women is very weird to say the least (especially the toilet scene with "him") ... I could go on for hours with that, but just don't read it. Maybe watch the movie, but don't waste your time with the book. …

Die Ermordung des Commendatore 02 (Hardcover, 2018, DuMont Buchverlag GmbH) 5 stars

Sono nen no gogatsu kara yokunen no hajime ni kakete, watashi wa semai tanima no …

Don't trust my judgement on this, I like Murakami books too much

5 stars

This second part of Killing Commendatore is even better than the first book and I can't really put my finger on the reason why exactly.

Obviously, there are pointers for me, mostly the way he writes his stories: - How he just casually talks about some minor off topic point at great length - The awkward sexual side plots (I don't actually like them, but I expect them and get weirded out) - Delivering everything like you'd think about it happening in the moment - Some plot points leading into nothing, things that seemed important not going anywhere - Nothing really happens, yet I enjoy exactly that every time - How the protagonist is very much in the story and not part of it at the same time - and many many more

That's the general, why I love Murakami books section. I think my brain just likes his writing, …

Die Ermordung des Commendatore Band 1 (Paperback, German language, 2018, DuMont Buchverlag GmbH & Co. KG) 4 stars

Allein reist der namenlose Erzähler und Maler ziellos durch Japan. Schließlich zieht er sich in …

Just another Murakami (in a good way)

4 stars

It may sound wrong, but this is just another one of his books, describing mundane tasks, awkward interactions and weird description of sex scenes. I don't know why I love this so much, but I do.

I have a hard time describing noteworthy points, as with all of his books, there's usually no big twist, no big and important overarching plot. It's just some dude, going through his daily routine, some (paranormal) stuff happens, but he's just trying to deal with it. Not in a very brave way, just to survive and have a normal life.

Of course there are big events in this book, there is progress in the plot, but it's just something that happens. He's not the plot, he's just part of it, trying to make the best of what other people are doing.

I just enjoy exactly that. What happens if some paranormal stuff would really …

The Dark Tower (Paperback, 2016, Pocket Books) 2 stars

“The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.”

In a desolate …

I don't get why people like this

2 stars

People say this is a good book and series but I can't agree to that. It's just chaotic and doesn't make any sense, the writing seems overly dramatic and "flowery", meaning he describes things so weird, with weird details and weird metaphors. I couldn't even read it to the end and stopped at like 80 or 90%. I have no interest in reading the other novels in the series, it's just not my type of writing I guess. I never liked any Stephen King books until this one and I read a bunch now. It's not getting any better, maybe I should just give up on trying to like his writing.

Metro 2035 (2016, Heyne Verlag) 3 stars

Better than Metro 2034, worse than Metro 2033

3 stars

Yeah, it took me forever to read this book. I listened to this as an audio book, which is why it took me so long.

I'm glad that this one is better than Metro 2034, but sadly not by a huge margin. This book is filled with monologues by Artyom, seriously stupid decisions and unnecessary and predictable plot points. It's sad to see that the author seems to have reached his peak with the first book.

Seriously, the amount of monologues from Artyom, where he preaches to some people, how this and that is important, them listening intensely and whatnot is just plain stupid.

Also: As soon as I read that certain characters from Metro 2034 appeared, I almost didn't want to read any further. That and other characters from the last book weren't as annoying as I thought, though they still didn't help much.

The whole idea of this …

Average is Over (Hardcover, 2013, Dutton) 2 stars

Widely acclaimed as one of the world’s most influential economists, Tyler Cowen returns with his …

Not even average in my opinion

2 stars

I don't know what I was expecting of this book, I seldom read that much into why a book is on my reading list. I get recommendations and if it looks interesting I will save it and probably read it months, if not even years later. This system works most of the time, it didn't this time around.

There are some interesting ideas in this book: The distribution of wealth (at least if we don't do anything about it, which the author says we won't), the distribution of work and the quality of it (same argument as above) and the way we will live (which has some very far fetched ideas).

The last point is one of the most stupid things about this book. He attests, that older people will end up living in the poorest neighborhoods, because it makes sense to live where it is cheapest if you don't …