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Evolution toward divinity: Teilhard de Chardin and the Hindu traditions. (1974, Theosophical Pub. House) 4 stars

Review of 'Evolution toward divinity: Teilhard de Chardin and the Hindu traditions.' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

This was a difficult, slow read. I have enjoyed other books by Bruteau and wanted to see what she had to say about Teilhard de Chardin. I got a bit more understanding of his thinking. There is also a great deal of Hindu thinking on the topics of interest to Teilhard. Bruteau carefully shows, with profuse documentation, how Teilhard was wrong in thinking that Hindu beliefs were not compatible with his. This book shows that the things Teilhard thought were in fact believed long before by Hindus. So, I got what I was looking for--a better understanding of Teilhard--along with a whole lot more. Bruteau has written a book, Worthy Is the World: The Hindu Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo that will be a good follow-up I think. For anyone wanting to read Bruteau for the first time, I would recommend not starting with this one!

The Beatitudes, Jesus' pattern for a happy life (1981, Liguori Publications) 5 stars

Review of "The Beatitudes, Jesus' pattern for a happy life" on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

Seems like an excellent, practical book about the meaning of the Sermon on the Mount. The author shows how the Sermon lays out what Jesus teaches and shows in his own life. There are experiments we can do in order to find out by experience if what Jesus gives us as a way to a blessed life actually is the truth. This is not a simplistic book. I found it easy to understand, but maybe not as easy to practice. The reason being that I am set in my ways like most folks. But the book assure that we can take steps and most of all, that we are loved just exactly where we are.

Writing the natural way (2000, Tarcher/Putnam) 4 stars

Writing the Natural Way, first published fifteen years ago, has shown hundreds of thousands of …

Review of 'Writing the natural way' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

Easy to understand method for reaching into the creative mind for writing. It's called "clustering" and looks a lot like mind-mapping. After discussing this method and giving good examples and some exercises, there are several chapters on more techniques to develop writing. What I was looking for was in the first part since I was just looking for a way to break the block to writing simple blog posts. What I got was something to go along with dream analysis in reaching into my unconscious mind through writing for only myself to read. Excellent book.

Kate Bowler is a professor at Duke Divinity School with a modest Christian upbringing, but …

Review of 'Everything Happens for a Reason' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

A very tough story told in such an interesting and often humorous way. This is down-to-earth with philosophy woven through. It is definitely not preachy. The deep thoughts of one who knows suffering are presented within the story. I was riveted to this presentation.

Atomic Habits (EBook, 2018, Avery) 4 stars

No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving every day. James …

Review of 'Atomic Habits' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

Excellent explanation of problems with forming good habits and stopping bad ones. There are solutions for each of the problems. He starts off with a key for me which I'd say is basically to concentrate on my system rather than on goals. That shifted my mindset to something I can do now rather than focusing on what will be in the future. This book was filled with information-not one of those that just harps about one thing with complaints about the ways some other expert has it all wrong. This is a solid book with sensible information with a bit of encouragement and some good examples added.

Inner Work (EBook, 2009, HarperCollins) 5 stars

From Robert A. Johnson, the bestselling author of Transformation, Owning Your Own Shadow, and the …

Review of 'Inner Work' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

This book has two sections: One on Dreams and the second on Active Imagination. He gives a 4-step process for each method with clear examples. The book is easy to understand. Important points are repeated in with care. This book has helped me better understand what I have read of Jung so far. I have a sense of the importance of my dreams and how I can benefit from them.