Horrorstör (2014, Quirk Books) 4 stars

Something strange is happening at the Orsk furniture superstore in Cleveland, Ohio. Every morning, employees …

Review of 'Horrorstör' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars


I really love the concept. I'm a sucker for isolated horrors/thrillers and using such a unique setting was the draw for me, but I can't help but feel a little disappointed? I kind of felt a bit disconnected from the characters tbh. Because it's fairly short you never get to really know them and the whole book takes place over a 24hr period. There's also a little bit of dumb decision-making throughout, which is frustrating, but fairly forgettable once you're pulled into whatever is going on.

It was a lot gorier than I was expecting and gore is kind of whatever to me. Personally I find it kind of boring? And a lot of the descriptions were so overdramatic that it would ruin the immersion for me. I would have enjoyed the book way more if it focused more on the creepy, paranormal aspects rather than devolving into gore constantly. I would say this book is more 'Saw' than the Infinite Ikea SCP. I would have preferred the latter, but that's just my personal taste.

Overall I still had a reasonably fun time. I can't say I got scared or even creeped out, but there are enough concepts in here to enjoy and some really great social commentary sprinkled throughout. If you have ever worked a shitty retail job then you will feel very seen by this book lol