English language

Published March 10, 2023 by New Directions Publishing Corporation.


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3 editions

Work and/of Mothering

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This book is a lot of things (poetry, prose, fiction, metafiction), and it is an honest and well-written account of parenting. I haven't experienced motherhood, but I have experienced parenthood and have been adjacent to motherhood. I feel like this book is unflinching and honest.

It also reflects on the difficulties and sometimes impossibilities of parenting and writing (one seems to always get in the way of the other). Perhaps this goes with any work, but it might feel more acute when it comes to writing?

There are tons of passages I'd love to quote, but here's one:

"It was not through housekeeping but through writing that she wished to approach all the objects of the world. Was writing in that case a form of housekeeping? A way of bringing things into order? When Adam names everything in the Garden of Eden, was he in fact doing the work of …