
On the Divine Tedium of Marriage

Hardcover, 304 pages

Published Feb. 8, 2022 by Ecco.


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3 stars (1 review)

If falling in love is the peak of human experience, then marriage is the slow descent down that mountain, on a trail built from conflict, compromise, and nagging doubts. Considering the limited economic advantages to marriage, the deluge of other mate options a swipe away, and the fact that almost half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce anyway, why do so many of us still chain ourselves to one human being for life?

In Foreverland, Heather Havrilesky illustrates the delights, aggravations, and sublime calamities of her marriage over the span of fifteen years, charting an unpredictable course from meeting her one true love to slowly learning just how much energy is required to keep that love aflame. This refreshingly honest portrait of a marriage reveals that our relationships are not simply "happy" or "unhappy," but something much murkier--at once unsavory, taxing, and deeply satisfying. With …

2 editions

Shamefully Sincere

3 stars

It's hard to review this book without addressing the core impediment to my enjoyment: the author is defined by being annoyed and being annoying, one of those who really owns it, it's their whole personality portrayal in this book. Constantly disgusted, hateful of almost everything and everyone to some degree, it's no wonder that the core message of the book is that being married is 50% curse, 50% blessing - not only that, but that's how it's supposed to be. Maybe it's a burden of being a hetero cis woman, which I'll never truly experience, and the almost inevitable woes of marrying a regular dude. Maybe it's a Gen X thing, still not able to shake off the chains of old. Maybe it's an American thing, lots of its culture feel alien to me.

It took the author more than a decade of marriage to grow some maturity and empathy, …