review of Assassin's Apprentice
4 stars
it was a painfully slow start of the story and some of the plot lines didn't pay off. but in the end a surprisingly interesting world and captivating book.
Paperback, 389 pages
Spanish language
Published Aug. 6, 2011 by La Factoría de Ideas, DeBolsillo.
Llena de magia y maldad, de heroísmo y deshonor, pasión y aventura, Aprendiz de Asesino es la novela de una irresistible voz dentro de la Gran Fantasía. La narrativa refrescante y original de Robin Hobb es el comienzo de una nueva época dentro de la literatura fantástica.
El joven Traspié es el hijo bastardo del noble príncipe Hidalgo, heredero al trono de los seis ducados. Después de ser rechazado por su familia, es llevado a la corte real donde crece bajo la tutela del arisco caballerizo de su padre. Todos los miembros de la realeza lo consideran un paria salvo el taimado rey Artimañas, que ordena que su secretario lo adiestre en las artes del asesinato. Pues por las venas de Traspié corre la sangre de la mágica Habilidad... junto a los más oscuros saberes de un niño criado con los perros del establo y repudiado por su familia.
Mientras …
Llena de magia y maldad, de heroísmo y deshonor, pasión y aventura, Aprendiz de Asesino es la novela de una irresistible voz dentro de la Gran Fantasía. La narrativa refrescante y original de Robin Hobb es el comienzo de una nueva época dentro de la literatura fantástica.
El joven Traspié es el hijo bastardo del noble príncipe Hidalgo, heredero al trono de los seis ducados. Después de ser rechazado por su familia, es llevado a la corte real donde crece bajo la tutela del arisco caballerizo de su padre. Todos los miembros de la realeza lo consideran un paria salvo el taimado rey Artimañas, que ordena que su secretario lo adiestre en las artes del asesinato. Pues por las venas de Traspié corre la sangre de la mágica Habilidad... junto a los más oscuros saberes de un niño criado con los perros del establo y repudiado por su familia.
Mientras los bárbaros invasores saquean las costas, Traspié se convierte en un hombre. Pronto habrá de arrostrar su primera misión, tan peligrosa como desoladora. Y aunque hay quienes ven en él una amenaza para el trono, quizá posea realmente el secreto de la supervivencia del reino.
it was a painfully slow start of the story and some of the plot lines didn't pay off. but in the end a surprisingly interesting world and captivating book.
{Reread Jun 2022}
This is just a really solid book. reread it as an audiobook because I needed a refresher going into the next book in the series and I just really enjoyed it. It's so comforting despite the more emotionally challenging scenes, and I can relate to Fitz so much and his journey of growing up trying to figure out who he is. A lot of the worldbuilding still goes over my head, but I at least can appreciate how unique it is.
{original review December 2020}
I liked it I think?
It's such an odd book because there's no main plot-line aside from watching the main character grow up, but I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the main character and to slowly discover the setting. It was a tad slow-moving at times and I didn't find it to be a page turner so I couldn't give it 5, …
{Reread Jun 2022}
This is just a really solid book. reread it as an audiobook because I needed a refresher going into the next book in the series and I just really enjoyed it. It's so comforting despite the more emotionally challenging scenes, and I can relate to Fitz so much and his journey of growing up trying to figure out who he is. A lot of the worldbuilding still goes over my head, but I at least can appreciate how unique it is.
{original review December 2020}
I liked it I think?
It's such an odd book because there's no main plot-line aside from watching the main character grow up, but I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the main character and to slowly discover the setting. It was a tad slow-moving at times and I didn't find it to be a page turner so I couldn't give it 5, but it makes me really hopeful for the rest of the series once it starts to pick up a bit.