Hawk Mountain - a Novel

English language

Published Jan. 25, 2022 by Norton & Company Limited, W. W..

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5 stars (1 review)

1 edition

Amazing Literary Thriller

5 stars

I say literary thriller because this book isn’t a thriller in the usual sense. There is far more to Hawk Mountain than a thrilling story. It’s thoughtful, terrifying, fascinating, and made me stay up WAY too late reading.

At its center, it’s a deep look into how hate and love are inextricably tangled, and I hate to say much more than that. You’re best coming into this one without knowing anything, trusting that the book will give you what you need.

Apparently, this is Habib’s first novel. I think it’s amazing, and I hope he’s a fast worker, because I can’t wait to see what’s next.