The Computers That Made Britain

The home computer revolution of the 1980s

Hardcover, 295 pages

English language

Published by Raspberry Pi Press.

4 stars (2 reviews)

1 edition

A well-researched and personal history of home computing in Britain

4 stars

This is not your run-of-the-mill retro home computer book. There are no colourful photographs, no lists of must-have games, no lists of specifications. This book is about the companies and the people behind them who made these machines. Their stories of success and failure. It is a nice mix of oral history and well-researched history. Each system, and therefore each company, is portrayed in a well told story. For me it was an interesting read, especially the chapters on those systems that were rarely found outside the UK: Research Machines 380Z, the BBC Micro line or Acorn's Archimedes. I highly recommend this book.