raveller reviewed Platonic by Marisa Franco
Read if you are straight, upper middle class, not traumatized, and just want to make some shifts in how you hang out with other people who are like you
2 stars
Well written. Also very upper middle class, very heteronormative, very neurotypical. It's like attachment styles are perfume choices and you can make a different choice.
Lots of studies but almost every one seemed like "these kinds of people are better and happier and look they will be better and happier in the future, so if you want to be happy you should act like them." The ableism was painful. The heteronormative erasure of queer love was painful. No serious reckoning with trauma or racism or desire or anything that actually shapes people's lives.
I would have enjoyed a light-hearted memoir about the author's friendship journey, which really seemed to be at the core of what she was trying to say. Even more if that memoir got more serious and started playing on the queer desire that repeatedly gets written off and supressed throughout each anecdote, personal and historical. A la …
Well written. Also very upper middle class, very heteronormative, very neurotypical. It's like attachment styles are perfume choices and you can make a different choice.
Lots of studies but almost every one seemed like "these kinds of people are better and happier and look they will be better and happier in the future, so if you want to be happy you should act like them." The ableism was painful. The heteronormative erasure of queer love was painful. No serious reckoning with trauma or racism or desire or anything that actually shapes people's lives.
I would have enjoyed a light-hearted memoir about the author's friendship journey, which really seemed to be at the core of what she was trying to say. Even more if that memoir got more serious and started playing on the queer desire that repeatedly gets written off and supressed throughout each anecdote, personal and historical. A la "Carol," a la "The Hours."