This Is How You Lose the Time War

eBook, 208 pages

English language

Published Aug. 8, 2019 by Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers.


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5 stars (16 reviews)

Two time-traveling agents from warring futures, working their way through the past, begin to exchange letters—and fall in love in this thrilling and romantic book from award-winning authors Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone.

In the ashes of a dying world, Red finds a letter marked “Burn before reading. Signed, Blue.”

So begins an unlikely correspondence between two rival agents in a war that stretches through the vast reaches of time and space.

Red belongs to the Agency, a post-singularity technotopia. Blue belongs to Garden, a single vast consciousness embedded in all organic matter. Their pasts are bloody and their futures mutually exclusive. They have nothing in common—save that they’re the best, and they’re alone.

Now what began as a battlefield boast grows into a dangerous game, one both Red and Blue are determined to win. Because winning’s what you do in war. Isn’t it?

A tour de force collaboration from …

5 editions

Cute romance with a disappointing sci-fi setting.

3 stars

Amal El-Mothar and Max Gladsonte's "This is How You Lose the Time War" follows two agents, Red and Blue, on opposite sides of a war that spans all of time and (some of?) space across multiple universes.

Each chapter starts with a snapshot of what each agent is doing to advance their side's cause, whether that's taking part in major historical events or planting the seeds for 'coincidences' in the future, and ends with the discovery of a letter from their counterpart. What begins as acknowledgements of respect, nods across the battlefield, gradually grow into something more.

Fans of science fiction may be disappointed by the lack of focus on the time-traveling, universe-hopping backdrop to this story of star-crossing lovers. Details are sparse, and little is disclosed about the factions or why they are at war other than hints and impressions throughout the book.

The gradual, tip-toeing romance between Red …

1st reading of 2024, super fast, gripping, poetic, and sociopolitical

5 stars

This first read for 2024 was superb, though not always totally pleasant - as you'll see towards the end of this review. Check the section between the **** lines.

The novel is full of quotable, poetic and philosophical lines, and, mirroring its two-author composition, it centers around two main characters. Both are spies.

The first introduced is Red. She belongs to the Agency, a post-singularity technotopia. The other is Blue and she belongs to Garden, a single vast consciousness embedded in all organic matter. In their (Red & Blue) words, Garden is viny-hivey elfworld, as opposed to techy-mechy dystopia. These already say quite a lot about their two "Origin Worlds" or timeframes, or Strands. Either word works fine.

Each of them answers to a hierarchy - of sorts. Red to Commandant, and Blue, to Garden, as an ocean becoming a drop, in order to communicate with another drop - a …

1er lecture de 2024, super rapide, prenante, poétique, et sociopolitique

5 stars

This is how you lose the time war, a pour titre VF : Les Oiseaux du temps. Ma critique reprends les noms et termes de la VO, ne sachant pas exactement ce qu'ils sont en version traduite.

Cette première lecture pour 2024 a été superbe, même si pas toujours totalement agréable – comme vous le verrez vers la fin de cette critique. Vérifiez la section entre les lignes ****.

Le roman regorge de lignes citables, poétiques et philosophiques et, à l’image de sa composition à deux auteurs, il est centré sur deux personnages principaux. Toutes deux sont des espionnes.

La première introduite est le Red (Rouge). Elle appartient à l’Agence, une technotopie post-singularité.

L’autre est Blue (Bleue) et elle appartient à Garden (est-ce Jardin dans la VF?), une vaste conscience unique ancrée dans toute matière organique. Selon leurs mots (à Red & Blue), Garden est un monde elfique de ruche …

Either too short, or too long.

No rating

I can't decide if this would have worked better (for me) as a short story, or a full length book. If it was longer, it could have expanded on it's ideas. If it had been shorter, it wouldn't have felt so repetetive.

There is some good ideas here, but they deserve better than being hand waved away. How do Red and Blue target their letters to each other across strands of time? If there are certain contested junctures in time, shouldn't they be swarmed with agents, and multiple aspects of the same agents? If the protagonists are just cogs in two massive opposing machines battling for supremacy over all time - why does it seems like they are the only two operators in the field?

I'm not saying this is a bad book, there is a lot good writing here. But it didn't work for me. Two highly subjective stars. …

Weird and beautiful but not always up to its own ambition

4 stars

The letters that make up about half of this book are gorgeously written, and I love the story they tell. The basic idea of the time war is clever, and the descriptions of placetimes the characters find themselves in evocative, sometimes reminiscent of Calvino's Invisible Cities. I devoured this book in a few days.

And yet... something about it felt a little thin or hollow behind its fireworks. I think it was a good artistic choice to leave all technical details out, but I couldn't help but get hung up on the time paradoxes. Not that it's the authors' responsibility to necessarily avoid or solve them, but for me personally they intruded on the suspension of disbelief.

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  • Fiction, science fiction, general
