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Joined 1 year, 3 months ago

Father, Husband, Teacher, Geek, Beer Sampler

Was both @MrWsTweets and @DigitalRob on the bird site, but now I'm just one on Mastodon:

EdTech #LEGO #Reader #bookstodon #Geek

Goodreads: Also, DigitalRob on TheStoryGraph:

I taught H.S. English for 10 years, moved to teacher support, then to the principalship. Now, I work with a small amazing team to keep our district's technology safe, current, and working.

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Long Shadows (Hardcover, 2022, Grand Central Publishing) 3 stars

Review of 'Long Shadows' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

3.5 out of 5 stars

While I enjoyed this novel, I feel it drags the mystery out longer than necessary. The whole story is engaging, but by the time we finally start making clear progress on the mystery, I was wondering if we were ever going to get anywhere, and that was about 75% through the story.

I love Decker’s new partner, Freddie White, and particularly like that Decker shows his loyalty to his new partner even as he makes some gaffs socially and professionally. The two bond pretty quickly even if they don’t realize it for a while. Freddie’s mother is correct in telling her that their shared life experiences make it possible for them to connect despite their very different lives and backgrounds.

I struggled with the suicide of Decker’s former partner. Its impact seems to bookend the novel as does the letter he receives about possible forthcoming …