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Das Grauen (Hardcover, German language, 1922, G. Müller) 2 stars

review 'Das Grauen'

2 stars

this one needs a big warning because of it's antisemitic and racist stories (and you have to add the casual mentioning of pedophiliac acts)! mind you there a eleven stories and most of them are no more than what you might expect from a writer in the first years of the twentieth century (although the edition is from 1922, the stories were written before the great war). but two of them are far worse then the zeitgeist might had demanded.

die tomatensauce (the tomato sauce): sadly enough it's nothing about creepy spice but blood lust, surprisingly gory die herzen der könige (the hearts of the kings): lengthy story about how the french kings literally added to arts das weiße mädchen (the white girl): i would say a decadent (in the Huysman-sense) tableau about lust, but with less art (than huysman) das feenland (the land of faeries): the same, but about …

first impression: as in almost every kind of literature so is in christian epics to apply show-don't tell. stop feeding me the hymns and praises and tell the story already, use the scenes to bring your point. 'til now a rather hard read

Der Vater (Paperback, 2017, dtv Verlagsgesellschaft) 3 stars

review "der vater"

3 stars

i just finished these 900 pages and here is the first impression: it is a really well written work of historical ficton, but... it combines thought provocing questions of state, religion, responsibility, but... from a modern view it falls every time on the wrong side.

the meaning of building up a true faithful and ever so benign monarch in Friedrich Wilhelm II collides with the events, which from time to time are barely held back from attacking this picture.

how to solve this? it's a weakness of the text that a great part of the pages are lamenting about the ill understood intentions of the king and talking about the pain this induces to him. but the reader seldom learns about this events, they're more often shadwos of the king's thoughts and feelings.

it is still an interesting read. the style is really fine and it's an accomplishment to write …

review 'Nacht aller Nächte'

4 stars

it's a rather short novel about an retired professor of middle-east languages, who is convinced about being Abraham.

his niece, who is telling us the story, is fulfilling the professors last wish and publishes the autobiography of 'Abraham', at the same time trying to draw the connections between the real life and the imagined one.

it is a good thing, that at no time the lines between imagination and real life are getting blurred: we always know, here is no 'Abraham' reincarnated. instead we are following a retelling of the legends and biblical stories, interjected by the musings of the niece.

it is a subtle edifying read, i would say.

Elektro Krause (Paperback, Deutsch language, 2021, tredition) 4 stars

„Wer ist die denn?! Wo ist der Krause?“ „Ich bin Krause“, antwortete ich und registrierte, …

review of 'Electro Krause'

4 stars

okay, it is rather a draft than a real novel: the 80ies setting is more proclaimed than it is shown, the characters were thrown at you and the plot is held together by rush conveniences. but it is such a fun text to read, the dialogues especially and despite the cracks and holes you feel on every page the energy and wit of the main character.