Paperback, 199 pages

Spanish language

Published Nov. 30, 2013 by Editores Mexicanos Unidos.


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4 stars (6 reviews)

Prólogo con resena crítica de la obra, vida y obra del autor, y marco histórico.

168 editions

A bit too "on-the-nose"

3 stars

I guess it might be the point of the book, but I couldn't feel that any character was real, everything felt stereotypical; while at the same time that "prediction" of the future does not seem plausible to me.

And I repeat, it might be the point of the book, so, if that is the case, then great job. I just did not enjoy it or gained any interesting insight.


5 stars

I read Brave New World many years ago and decided to re-read it this year. I'd remembered the general storyline but most of the details so it felt fresh, and I'm glad I chose to go back to it because the perspective I have now in my life makes this book even more fascinating. There are layers of meaning in a book that is at once a commentary on our collective past and a disturbingly clear portend of our future. The peace-built-upon-rampant-consumerism setting is chilling in its likeness to where we already are (and where we seem to be headed) as a global society. It's well worth a re-read if you've not picked it up in a while.

Another Authoritarianism dystopian classic. A difficult read however.

3 stars

Read this immediately afte reading the Orwell classic, 1984. I admit, I struggled reading this book. The method of story telling, with the switching of character perspective was difficult to follow. The idea of the book became far more clearer as the book progressed and became clear especially towards the end.

However the ideas presented in the book and their demonstration was thought provoking.

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