Open Veins of Latin America

Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent

317 pages

English language

Published March 3, 1997 by Monthly Review Press.


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Historia del saqueo de America Latina que muestra como funcionan los mecanismos actuales del despojo: los tecnocratas en jet, herederos de los conquistadores en carabela; Hernan Cortes y los infantes de marina; los corregidores del reino y las misiones del Fondo Monetario Internacional; los dividendos del trafico de esclavos y las ganancias de la General Motors. El tiempo presente ha sido presentido y engendrado por las contradicciones del pasado.


Since its U.S. debut almost fifty years ago, this brilliant text has set a new standard for historical scholarship of Latin America. It is also an outstanding political economy, a social and cultural narrative of the highest quality, and perhaps the finest description of primitive capital accumulation since Marx.

Rather than chronology, geography, or political successions, Eduardo Galeano has organized the various facets of Latin American history according to the patterns of five centuries of exploitation. Thus he is concerned …

15 editions


  • Latin America -- Economic conditions