Paperback, 370 pages

Dutch language

Published Nov. 1, 1979 by Het Spectrum.

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4 stars (6 reviews)

Ringdrager Frodo heeft samen met zijn maatje Sam de taak om de Ene Ring naar de Doemberg in het land Mordor te brengen. Daar is de Ring gesmeed en alleen daar kan hij vernietigd worden. Voor hen ligt een barre tocht. Er dreigt gevaar: niet alleen onderweg, maar ook in Mordor zelf, waar de Donkere Vorst Sauron is teruggekeerd en waar zijn legers van Orks hun kampen hebben.

70 editions

Review of 'The Two Towers' on Goodreads

4 stars

"The Two Towers" by J.R.R. Tolkien continues the rich, epic journey of "The Fellowship of the Ring," raising the stakes and plunging the heroes deeper into the fight for the fate of Middle Earth. This second volume is filled with memorable characters, rich landscapes, and poetic passages that shines through a somewhat odd and disjointed structure.

In this volume, the Fellowship splits into two parts. Book Three follows Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli as they chase after Merry and Pippin, kidnapped by Orcs and Urukai from Isengard, into Rohan, a fiercely independent kingdom under attack from Saurman. Book Four follows on parallel the story of Frodo and Sam as they move closer to Mordor to destroy the One Ring in the fires of Mount Doom and along the way, they encounter a malevolent character lurking the shadows.

In a previous review of "The Fellowship of the Ring" I commented on the …

Review of 'J.R.R. Tolkien Der Herr der Ringe Band 2 Die Zwei Türme' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Read this a really long time ago, and it was amazing. And long! I admit having had to fight myself through parts of it, but despite having been a teenager around that time I succeeded, but it’s an epic I wouldn’t have wished to miss, and one I couldn’t even imagine watching a movie version of, as those cannot even become close to be worth of it.

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