Who Fears Death

English language

Published March 16, 2014


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5 stars (2 reviews)

Who Fears Death is a science fantasy novel by Nigerian-American writer Nnedi Okorafor, published in 2010 by DAW, an imprint of Penguin Books. It was awarded the 2011 World Fantasy Award for Best Novel, as well as the 2010 Carl Brandon Kindred Award "for an outstanding work of speculative fiction dealing with race and ethnicity." Okorafor wrote a prequel, the novel The Book of Phoenix, published by DAW in 2015.

4 editions

Who Fears Death, indeed.

No rating

Very excited to finally start this novel after it spent about a decade languishing on my to-read list, featuring a main character with one of the most badass names ever. (It reminds me of Fela Kuti, didn't he give himself a name that meant something like "He who keeps death in his pouch"? Always loved that.)

Au sud du Sahara, après l'apocalypse

5 stars

Un style écrit brut et direct, d’où les émotions fusent, abordant des sujets extrêmement durs. Des figures féminines qui conservent leur capacité d’agir envers et contre tous, en dépit des violences et du poids d’une société patriarcale étouffante. Un univers mythologique dense, investissant et explorant les imaginaires du sud du Sahara. Une lecture éprouvante, qui m'a happé et dont le souvenir va m'accompagner durablement.