Stone Butch Blues

Encuadernación rústica con solapas, 542 pages

Castellano language

Published Nov. 20, 2021 by Levanta Fuego.

5 stars (2 reviews)

Considerada una obra de culto en la comunidad LGTBQ y una de las novelas más importantes de la literatura estadounidense del siglo XX, Stone Butch Blues cuenta la historia de Jess Goldberg, una lesbiana butch de clase trabajadora del norte de Estados Unidos. Jess no tiene las cosas fáciles. A todo el mundo parece molestarle su aspecto, su identidad, su expresión de género. Tendrá que enfrentarse a la violencia de la policía, a los insultos de los jefes, a la incomprensión de su familia, a las miradas de asco por la calle; a detenciones, internamientos psiquiátricos, palizas, desprecios, despidos. Tendrá que aprender a vivir con las heridas y las cicatrices y a ser quien es por encima de todo. Y al hacerlo conocerá también el apoyo de la comunidad butch, drag y queer, el calor de la familia elegida, el amor de pareja, la militancia política en sindicatos revolucionarios.

8 editions

Review of 'Stone Butch Blues' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

 This semi-autobiographical account follows Jess Goldburg during the 60s and 70s in America. Jess comes out as a butch lesbian in the old gay drag bars with that heavy butch/femme divide* facing regular attacks from bigots and police. 

After an SA at school she drops out and goes into manual work and is involved in the unions but her gender nonconformity leads her to save up for testosterone and top surgery in the hopes that going stealth as a man in the workplace can lead to a more stable life. It also shows the racism, anti-semitism, sexual harassment and transphobia inside and outside of the community at that time as Jess navigates her own feelings and identity.

*= I knew that scene was intensely enforced, but this line struck me in particular: “The more I thought about the two of them being lovers, the more it upset me. I couldn’t …

love, community, and the terrors of queer hatred

5 stars

i knew long before i read this that it would be important to me.

from a historical perspective, it shines a light on the realities of being a lesbian in the 60s and 70s. of being transmasculine and searching for terminology and self-understanding in a culture that didn't even marginally recognize gender outside the binary. or sexuality outside the hetero. it shines a light on surviving abusive parents. on finding community without the internet. of navigating complex queer subcultures. and hatred in its many forms, up to and including bar raids, arrests, and unspeakable abuses by cops.

it also illuminates and speaks to the beauty of love and friendship and comradeship within those queer communities. the intricacies in how butches and femmes and transfemmes interacted. i was able to see myself in the warmth and emotionality and fierce bravery in the face of fear and violence expressed by the femmes …


  • Narrativa estadounidense
  • Queer
  • Sindicalismo