Sean reviewed I'd rather teach peace by Colman McCarthy
Review of "I'd rather teach peace" on 'Goodreads'
Hm. A little inspiring, a little tame. Probably much more invigorating to the aspiring peace teacher. But more pointed and aggressive than I'd expected from a columnist from the Washington Post.
I told Ryan I was reading this and he made some grumbling noises about people who do other careers, then teach for a year and write a best seller. This is a bit better than what I imagine that lot to be, but still an important critique. On the other hand (and maybe most personally relevant to me now...) McCarthy concludes by stating that the only way he was able to be so successful in bringing Peace Studies to such varied audiences (public high schools, colleges, law schools, prison schools) was by NOT making it his primary career. Interesting. Sorta how I feel about culture making in general? IE the corrupting influence of the wage/salary/"living"?
I'm keeping it on …
Hm. A little inspiring, a little tame. Probably much more invigorating to the aspiring peace teacher. But more pointed and aggressive than I'd expected from a columnist from the Washington Post.
I told Ryan I was reading this and he made some grumbling noises about people who do other careers, then teach for a year and write a best seller. This is a bit better than what I imagine that lot to be, but still an important critique. On the other hand (and maybe most personally relevant to me now...) McCarthy concludes by stating that the only way he was able to be so successful in bringing Peace Studies to such varied audiences (public high schools, colleges, law schools, prison schools) was by NOT making it his primary career. Interesting. Sorta how I feel about culture making in general? IE the corrupting influence of the wage/salary/"living"?
I'm keeping it on the shelf, I suspect I may revisit over the coming years.