Le dernier apprenti sorcier. 1, Les rivières de Londres

Le dernier apprenti sorcier - 1

French language

Published May 11, 2013


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4 stars (2 reviews)

Rivers of London (Midnight Riot in the US) is the first novel in the Peter Grant series by English author Ben Aaronovitch. The novel was released on 10 January 2011 through Gollancz and was well received by critics, earning a Galaxy National Book Awards nomination for Aaronovitch in the New Writer of the Year award. The author Ben Aaronovitch has subsequently written nine books in the Peter Grant Series, plus accompanying novellas, short stories, comics and graphic novels.

7 editions

Untaxing and very British

3 stars

I think that, despite being of British parents, I find books written with an overtly Brit-humour voice to be pretty lazy writing, like they've just let obviousness lead the way. It read like they already have a TV adaptation deal. And the het male gaze I could have done without. Still, I read this while unwell with the Bad Virus and it was just right in the sense it was an easy read and a quickly-paced yarn. I did enjoy the way they built the story around geography and place-based history.